Today we observe two astronomical observances, Asteroid Day and Meteor Day.
Normally I like to handle each blog entity with an article of it's own. However, since IMHO asteroids are outside the atmosphere and meteors refer to essentially the same thing falling through the atmosphere I felt fairly safe handling them as the same thing at different points in the heavens.
I'm sure there are astronomy purists who will disparage or find reason to dispute this thinking and I'm fine with that as well. Splitting hairs over the topic is simply insigificant to me.
Asteroid Day marks the large explosion which happened on that day in the sky over the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in Siberia, Russia.
Known as "The Tunguska Event" it was a devastating impact the results of which remain visible as a scar on the surface of the earth.
NASA calculated it's entry speed around 33,500 miles per hour.
National Meteor Day is simply a vehicle for the encouragement of viewing the night sky on a regular basis just to see what you may.
One of these spectacular sights may be the viewing a falling star, or meteor as it traverses the atmosphere glowing from the friction it generates in the air.
You really can't go wrong by getting out there and experiencing your proximal part of that vast universe in which we are a mere speck.