Once upon a time area codes were seldom used when dialing a telephone. Nowadays they are included in each number dialed. As the people have proliferated so have the phone numbers in use.
The state of South Carolina recently added a new area code to accommodate the exhaustion of numbers in the 803 area. My cell phone is in that new area code which is 839. When I was first assigned that area code I thought someone had made an error.
I recall when pay phones were everywhere. I haven't seen a pay phone in a very long time now. I attribute this to the universal use of cell phones. People seem to love their smartphones upon which they may engage trivial matters such as social media and the playing of games ...
As for me, I use a flip phone. I do not surf the net on my cell phone though it has that capability. I don't really like to use a phone for anything besides voice communications though I will admit to intermittent wifi hotspot tethering in the past.
Today is Area Code Day. It is celebrated on November 10.
Area codes provide enumeration for the many new phone circuits in use in our world today.
Despite the various proclivities of my fellow humans from a standpoint of personal preference, I would just as soon stick to my local network to engage the internet. It provides amenities in the form of better firewall, faster speeds, and generally is more useful to me personally. I don't know, something about a gigabit of bandwidth, several workstations, and server cluster at my disposal simply floats my boat.
However, whatever is your whim on the technical front is what you should engage. Just because I may like or dislike something you need to decide these matters in the context of your existence and either go for them or not.
Whatever your choice happy Area Code Day to you.
See Also:
Area Codes Become Exhausted