
Archery Day 2024

    compound bow and hunting arrows
Yeah, my first and only experience with archery was totally bad. Therefore I never pursued the skill.

It happens that when we were young my brother decided to fire off an arrow into the air without even looking where he was shooting. The projectile came down and struck my cousin Regina in the head.

Now she had a pretty severe scalp laceration which was sewn up at the Emergency Room — but there could have been a penetration wound which she luckily avoided.

She was a far better sport about it all than I would have ever been.

Today is Archery Day. It is observed each second Saturday in May making it May 11th this year.

Archery has been around since the early part of man's evolution. Whereas it was once an essential military skill it is now primarily a hunting and sport affair unless you're like me and were turned off to it all as a child.

Having no personal need for ancient warfare I'll stick to 300 foot headshots with my trusty .357 magnum thank you very much.

Happy Archery Day anyway.