
An Interesting Droid Anecdote

    silent pocket Faraday cage pouch
My friend was speaking to his wife on his android phone regarding a obscure retail product that few discuss in casual conversation.

It was some specialty device that was used in diving or some other area and you never encounter these things in the spam of our day.

Shortly after this conversation he started getting adverts on google for this very item.

Bear in mind that he was aware of the sparse nature of these items in casual conversation much less anything popping up on a random web page ... or two.

He surmised from this that there is an upload of content INCLUDING elements of his conversation with his wife from that phone to the folks at google who digest it for purposes of data mining.

So ... now I have ordered a faraday cage designed specifically for my own droid cell phone and fully intend to start powering it down and transporting it in the leather faraday cage to thwart these bung holes called Alphabet and their dirt bag exploitation subsidaries.

Boo to Google. Boo to Android. Boo to Alphabet.