
America is NOT Back

stupid joe biden    
I remember my nausea when the idiot Joe Biden declared to the outstretched hands of those leeches in the Paris Agreement that "America is Back".

You cannot believe anything this pathological liar says.

China’s state-run newspaper the Global Times declared the Biden administration has “failed in the first year in office” in the battle against the Wuhan coronavirus, especially the recent omicron variant outbreak on Wednesday December 22.

If you only knew. The Biden administration has failed in every aspect of executive administration of the United States of America since his sorry ass was placed into office by the corrupt democratic party via election poll manipulations which were ignored by the jurisdictions involved and proven in various forensic recounts.

Stupid democrats, your masters the Chinese are not happy with you and your voter base isn't either.

Tell me, what chance does this indicate in elections from now on with the voter integrity movement now present in elections. Not only are you evil and law breakers you're stupid as well.

The main stream media will not fare any better in the rapidly approaching adjustments back to reality. I just hope an inquisition and executions are in order for the libtard masses who betrayed The Republic.

• After promising to be a bipartisan chief executive he has been anything but ...
• He has consistently moved toward destroying our energy Independence
• He is China's yes man and kowtows continually to the country that gave us wuhan coronavirus
• He claims credit for Trump's corona virus push which saved lives
• He has destroyed our Southern border and betrayed the safety of all americans by not doing his job
• He is bankrupting America with entitlements and misguided spending plans which do nothing other than create debt for subsequent generations in the form of tax burden
• He surrendered in Afghanistan
• His adminstration is an ego trip with inferior appointments and stupid woke military strategy