On my living room wall hangs a portrait of Albert Einstein. It is a younger formal coat and tie photograph and it has been hanging there as a vestige of my old teaching days at the hated local technical college and it has acquired sentimental value over the years.
My affinity for Einstein lies in that intellect he projected, his humility, and the various adventures I've had perusing his writings.
Inasmuch as my physics is quite a bit beyond the realm of sophomoric on the downscale of science it's a matter of personal integrity that I allow him to continue to be in my face to set me in my dismal intellectual place.
Be all of this as it may, I continue to have great respect for his memory and will likely continue to encounter his writings over time as I have done since childhood.
Einstein was a German Jew ... that group from where a great many of the most powerful brains originate among humans.
He developed his theory of relativity which has remained a stanchion in both modern physics with his resultant mass-energy equivalence formula which is likely one of the most known equation on the planet. Awarded the Nobel Prize in Theoretical Physics in 1921 and the law of photoelectric effect his is a longstanding foundation in the development of quantum theory.
He was published prolifically with about 300 papers and a substantial body of nonscientific work as well. He passed this earthly existence some four days after I was born.
Someday I may understand much more of his work than I presently do. However, it seems like quite the distant objective at this late stage of my game.