
Adventures in Mixed Content

    mixed content
My latest personal vendetta consisted of removing all mixed content from the blog in an effort to be more "socially aware" as it were.

Unlike the other sites where such content was sparse, the blog contained profuse incidents from years of not knowing this would evolve into a problem.

In the beginning I served unsecured content as a matter of preference. After all there were no trade secrets. All I was doing was a little illustrated creative writing.

After I was browbeat into submission by a few colleagues who insisted such practice was sophomoric (I believe their term was idiotic) I started running under ssl and tls exclusively just to placate the masses.

Then the various gecko engine browser incidents started popping up.

So, of late I took it upon myself to do a little SQL scripting to purge the offending constructs from the entry database and voila the issues evaporated. I no longer feel the need to beat anyone senseless ...

At least not from a browser company perspective per se.

The scripting took care of about 4000 such mixed content so called "errors" which I really believe could have been handled more elegantly by the browser itself.

Poof. You're a tampoon.