
January 24, 2024
Weedless Wednesday 2024
aka weed
The third full week in January brings us Weedless Wednesday and is ostensibly a tobacco and recreational marijuana abstention vehicle. This year it is a January 24th occurrence and there are innumerable health conscious reasons for taking a break from smoking ... anything.

It's a 24 hour break in that which some of us indulge much more frequently. My only issue with the day is the nomenclature. I was always one to refer to "weed" as pot and tobacco as "smokes". I don't suppose that given my present teetotaler 'tudes towards all recreational drugs including alcohol, tobacco, and the weed with the roots in Hell that anything regarding smoking really matters to me personally.

I had to give up recreational drugs some 30 years ago when the United States became drug testing crazy. I simply was not going to allow drug testing to disqualify me for working ... seeing how I had grown accustomed to eating and living indoors. Now that the situation isn't nearly so bad, I simply decided that I liked the clear head that straight and narrow lifestyle provided and declined to restart any recreational drug habits.

I also gave up tobacco at this time.

My efforts were "cold turkey" as it were and having made up my mind I suffered no withdrawal to the marvel of many of my friends who continue to smoke and pop those pills to this day.

You just have to decide what is right for you and act.

So anyway I hope you have a good Weedless Wednesday and that your smoking corresponds to the wishes you maintain for yourself. It's a sad thing to be addicted to smoking, tobacco or otherwise.

Happy Weedless Wednesday to you !
aka weed
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January 23, 2024
National Pie Day 2024
    cherry pie

Yeah, I can always go for a piece of pie. Perhaps with a glass of milk or cup of coffee.

I think my enjoyment stems from childhood when my late grandma Ida would make all manner of pies all the time. She would sometimes make several in one week and there were always new varieties to sample at her dinner table.

There are so many varieties which tickle my fancy and I am a fan of most all of them.

National Pie Day come each January 23rd.

It encompasses all manner of pies from dessert to main course and I do dearly love a piece of cherry pie or apple pie, or even pecan pie after a good meal.

I have been a student of the crust, which I give some study and thought when I consider how good I think a pie may be. Early on the crusts weren't eaten at all. Now they are part of the enjoyment.

So toss a piece of pie in that pie hole of yours and celebrate National Pie Day with me, a connoisseur of both the techniques of pie making and the end products themselves !

Happy National Pie Day to you !

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January 22, 2024
Recovering from Recovery
Charlie Brown at his computer    
So I reset my Windoze 10 workstation (yet again) in an effort to make the location tracking work as well as it does on my Mom's machine ... with which she primarily surfs the web.

It's all too easy to forget that profound devastation which occurs when everything that doesn't install with Windows is removed and you are left to your own scrawny devices to make things right again.

So I spent the day restoring what I could, working around what I couldn't and generally being pissed off with the entire nature of Microsoft, Oracle, and everyone else involved in the workings of my machine ...

But it was all to no avail from a standpoint of satisfaction.

I was forced to absorb the damage and left to sink or swim and such is the nature of Microsoft and their product line.

So now I'm pretty much back where I was. Still can't find that LICENSED Microsoft Office disk — so I installed Apache's OpenOffice and Thunderbird and called it a day.

Sometimes you think you have a good idea and it turns out to be an outrageous pain in the butt.

Such is the reset of your Windows 10 installation. I'm on my fifth reset due to stuff not working.

Aaaaargh !

Tags: technology, ecommerce
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January 22, 2024
National Hot Sauce Day 2024
    Texas Pete hot sauce
I am a rather late blooming hot sauce user.

I never used the stuff when I was younger having waited until my 50s to even start.

I like Texas Pete Hot Sauce over Tabasco and all of the others.

My only aversion to it is the perception of high sodium due to the salty overtones.

Hot sauce is good on most anything you care to eat.

I particularly like omelets sprinkled with it.

I have an old work buddy, Tony Brown, who likes it even more than I do.

He can consume it by mass quantities whereas I use one of the small bottles for an extended period of time.

On those dishes where it is used the heat can't be beat.

Today is National Hot Sauce Day.

It is observed each January 22 and is a time to appreciate that hot sauce you use and enjoy most.

Your culinary tastes come to the surface when you add hot sauce to your food.

Happy National Hot Sauce Day to you spicy individuals out there !

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January 21, 2024
Own your own home Day 2024
My House    
I have lived in the same place for the past 30 or so years. It is a house on an acre which I later subdivided so that Mom could relocate.

It is a quiet location and I don't have plans on moving any time soon. If stupid google could get the IP Geolocation correct I'd be happier. I intend to take the matter up vigorously with Spectrum next week.

I have spent years cultivating the reputation as the crazy old white guy and people generally leave me alone. That's the way I like it.

Today is Own Your Own Home Day.

It happens each January 21st to celebrate home ownership and raise awareness regarding the benefits of owning that domicile you occupy.

I have a very low interest rate and have paid my mortgage faithfully for a great number of years. I still have about 10 to go.

I'll be glad when it's all paid out.

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January 20, 2024
Niki Haley should NEVER be elected POTUS
    Wicked Haley of the West
This outrageous bossy female was mistakenly elected governor of South Carolina by a faction of the stupid insipid inbred southerner electorate among whom I live.

She supports all the wrong people such as Biden and McConnel and wants to continually fund the war in Ukrane and she profits from the industrial military complex.

She thinks that users of the internet should be forced to register with the government and is woefully anti freedom of speech.

She is a political snake in the best traditions of John McCain and Lindsey Graham.

She seeks to hand out humanitarian aid and appears to claim that the generosity of the nation is hers to give.

She actually said that the UN does "good work" in light of Agenda 2030 and all the overreach and attempts at international control the UN seeks to enact making the world it's slave. This lack of grasp is particularly telling.

She is against school choice, pro gas tax, and promotes a vaccine registry even in light of the millions killed with the COVID-19 shot.

She took it upon herself to drive the removal of the Confederate Flag from the top of the state house dome and therefore I will never support this haughty tooth gnashing meddling woman.

I never owned a slave and decline to accept any level of responsibility for the fact that slavery happened. This business of ancestor reparations is a function of the libtard left and is unlikely to become status quo due to the utter futile banality of the notion — and will likely lead to eventual additional tragedy if it continues to be pursued.

We hire too many of the less qualified because of affirmative action and it's replacement the shabby libtard concept called "diversity, equity, and inclusion". You're stupid people if you think that hiring the less qualified will ever be beneficial to the forward motion of The Republic. We need the most qualified in all instances.

Furthermore, people who try to affix some underlying meaning to history of the Civil War is baffling to me. If you don't agree with or like the Confederate Flag you should cart your foreign intolerant ass somewhere else. This is the deep South. Get a grip on reality.
I have family who died on both sides of the Civil War. I really don't care what you think of the Confederate Flag or any other aspect of my Southern heritage for that reason. I hang the Confederate Flag in my home and on my property and will defend it vigorously in the presence of any detractor. Think or say what you will just don't trespass my premesis with your mouthy insolence. I don't care what some stupid white, black, or hindu supremacist thinks either.

never nikki

Nikki Haley has been given funds by concerns outside the mainstream conservative population with a large democrat donor base.

She is also in league with the evil WEF and Klaus Schwab's insane bunch of megalomaniacs out to take everything you have and control your existence in accordance with his maniacal vision of a bug eating 700 square foot domicile future. I will own my property and you won't take it from me while I live.

I likewise don't think Nikki Haley should be anyone's vice president and indeed, should she be declared on some ticket that candidate will never receive my vote.

Boo Nikki Haley. Your actions and record don't appear American to me and I don't care where you were born. You're still a foreign money grubbing conflict of interest having sorry excuse for a RINO who invaded South Carolina.

Boo !

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January 19, 2024
Gun Appreciation Day 2024
Kimber Stainless Pro Carry II .45 ACP    
Yes, I enjoy my firearms. I own several and contemplate the acquisition of a Kimber Stainless Pro Carry II .45 ACP to add to my personal arsenal.

My reasons for handgun ownership revolve around the fact that while I am satisfactorily accurate with a rifle I am exquisitely accurate at long distances with a hand gun, having practiced extensively.

I'm one of these "live and let live" no nonsense "don't tread on me" patriot types who would just as soon take you out as tolerate your threatening imposition on my life.

F☠ck around and find out.

It wouldn't be so bad were the behavior of all too many not so threatening. Thre are carjackings, robberies, lootings, and such. The thought of becoming some late innocent bystander is simply more than I can bear.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America
Today is Gun Appreciation Day. It is observed each January 19 annually in the USA. This holiday began as a protest against unwarranted gun control, that bastion of infringement hallowed by the criminal democrat element in our midst.

It is my humble opinion that they may take my gun after they pry it from my cold dead hand.

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January 18, 2024
Women's Healthy Weight Day 2024
    The Slaton Sisters
Ah, stalking the southern buffarillo used to be a hobby of mine. Back in the old Navy days I would grab a fattie and mount some large roomy woman in an effort to populate the Earth.

It would seem that my pursuits transgressed the boundaries of woman's health and indeed, there were quite a few disqualifications along the way. It would seem that I am a bit of a choosy mother and not all large women are equal.

Today is Women’s Healthy Weight Day. It happens each Thursday of the third full week in January. It touts health and stresses that the barbi doll figures of olden times aren't really a healthy example for any woman because it is unrealistic and unattainable for most without surgery.

Nutrition, exercise, the monitoring of attitudes, and sleep come in to play in that health regimen which will make or break the larger women among us. The antiquated BMI (Body Mass Index) which was NEVER a good index of physical stature as far as I was concerned has been supplanted by more wholistic approaches which include women with a little meat on their bones.

Suffice it to say I accept you as you are. No need to attain anything to be in my company. Should we hit it off, you get to be as large as you feel is appropriate.

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January 17, 2024
Popeye Day 2024
Popeye the Sailor and Olive Oyl
When I was a kid I watched copious episodes of Popeye the Sailor on the black and white television in our living room.

Daddy was in the Navy and it was a natural attraction for an all American boy such as myself.

Over the years I grew distant from the cartoon with brief spates of indulgence and I really enjoyed the Popeye movie starring Robin Williams. That too faded upon his untimely death.

Today is Popeye Day.

It is observed on January 17 to correspond with his first appearance in the comics on January 17, 1929.

I enjoyed the slapstick and his eating of spinach to become this powerhouse who fought against evil.

Popeye was credated in 1919 by one Elzie Crisler Segar who was a cartoonist and writer from Illinois.

The first movie was released to theaters on July 14, 1933.

I wasn't even a twinkle in my daddy's eye at that time — him being one year old and all.

The franchise was a hit and remains a hit in the hearts of all American boys like me.

Happy Popeye Day !

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January 16, 2024
National Religious Freedom Day 2024
I don't typically have religious persecution here in the deep South. We don't indulge overstepping of Muslims who would have us become adherents to Islam under threat of death — nor the ignorant transgressor who might insert themselves inappropriately into our religion.

Today is National Religious Freedom Day.

It is a January 16 observance to promote the idea of peace and acceptance in religious beliefs. We never used to have problems with the FBI investigating religious groups until the advent of the Obama administration the the Biden joke with all the democrats showing their asses to the nation as they do daily anymore.

Whereas I am typically a "live and let live" type of individual I do now believe I have an attitude cropping up toward weaponized judicial branch operations and this originated by the brigand foreigner Obama with his tranny first ladyboy big Mike — with continutity courtesy of his personal bitch Joe crook ass Biden.

I say bring it on if you think you have what it takes to impugn the One True God. Just bear in mind that there are those of use who will do a lot more than just turn the other cheek, stupid. I personally feel that an ass whupping public and messy would be in order.

The decline of economic and psychosocial development in our nation is the direct result of failed democrat leadership and persecution of the taxpayer by weaponized governmental factions courtesy of the US democratic party. The judicial and law enforcement entities in the USA are supposed to protect, not persecute the taxpayer.

I personally draw a line in the sand when it comes to God and religious pursuits viz a viz those who would transgress my religious freedom.

Tags: people, scripture, politics
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January 15, 2024
National Booch Day 2024
Kombucha brewing    
Over the years I've consumed gallons of Kombucha.

It is a fermented tea drink derived from a culture one steeps in tea and periodically feeds sugar over a period of time.

While I have gone to the trouble of making the drink several times over the years, in retrospect I believe I prefer the purchased product for quality and clarity of the drink.

Clear Kombucha is one of those things I value as a beverage.

Today is National Booch Day.

"Booch" is a QUASI term of endearment and nickname applied to the Kombucha batch currently being consumed.

The drink has been here for centuries and touts probiotic and vitamin content said to enhance health.

The drink is available in the refrigerator case of your local grocer most likely.

There are a number of flavors added to the brew and I am fond of many of them.

So as it sits, today is a fine day to indulge whether or not you've done so before.

It wasn't really a cultivated taste either. I liked it the first time I took a swig. Ah, refreshing !

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January 14, 2024
World Logic Day 2024
    LCDR Data STNG

One of my favorite television and movie characters was LCDR Data of Star Trek the Next Generation. I was enamoured with his consumate scientific professional stance and flawless logic in all matters.

Logic is a system or set of principles underlying the arrangements of elements in a situation or experience or even within a computer or other electronic device whereby the steps are layed out to perform a set task.

It involves thought, reasoning, deduction and other aspects of intelligence to come to the adequate conclusion of the goal.

I have always been a stickler for logic and science in my life and this is why I reject the notion of transsexauals and their contention that men may be women and women may be men. They try to rationalize that genetics mean nothing only their subjective "feelings" matter. This is simply not the case.

These poofs should be eliminated from the planet as the mentally and morally defectives they are.

Today is World Logic Day. Having been first formed by the Logica Universalis Association (LUA) and initially observed on January 14, 2019. Now, it is a function of the United Nations whereby you may be fooled to forget that their ultimate goal is to kill you and take your property. They want to rule you with any iron fist they care to don and they do not want you to have any recourse or say so in the matter.

Be stupid. Support the United Nations like the idiot transsexuals and other woke are and allow them to Agenda 2030 you out of existence and place that which you own into their coffers to do with as they please as you fertilize their restricted area conquests dead and buried beneath the confiscated soil of your country.

 UN is death


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January 13, 2024
Make Your Dream Come True Day 2024
bilateral carotid arteriorgram    
At one time or another most of us have dreams. Some of us are careful not to make these dreams too lofty as to be unattainable. Others, like myself crash and burn.

Back in the day I had dreams of becoming a radiologist and working special procedures somewhere in that great wilderness which comprised all I knew at that point.

Later I found that I really didn't have the requisite desire for all the post graduate education. This was after many years of long hours spent in pursuit of the dream. Subsequently I let those career aims go for something I already was doing: computer programming, cable building, and hardware repair.

So while others attained that to which I had only aspired briefly I was still left doing that which so many others were unable to do despite years of post graduate education — which like my attempt was to no avail.

I recall a job interview where I was the only applicant lacking a PhD. The interview had a lab practicum skill test whereby we had one hour to set up a working 12 node network with printer, email server, web server, and correctly set up active directory central store.

As it turns out the only successful candidate in this group was my expert setup and I was appointed to the job. Upon finding out they lost out to someone without a degree there was intense ruckus and whining about the fact that they had the requisite education whereby I did not. The committee who made the assignment simply stated
"Yes, but he has demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that he can do the work whereas you have not."
So there you have it. I didn't attain my dream but I did have a 'Plan B' which turned out to be quite the satisfactory career now that it's over.

The moral of the story is that despite what all too many stupid HR wenches may claim are qualifications the indoctrinations from colleges and universities called degrees aren't worth the paper upon which they are printed and that your dream job may surely turn out to be 'Plan B'. There's a lot to be said for having an alternate route when it comes to career paths and earnings.

C'est la vie.

Today is Make Your Dream Come True Day. There is not much documented regarding it except that it is today. I say "go for it" but have the fortitude to pick the low hanging fruit instead should it become advantagous. In my particular case it made all the difference between the success I enjoyed and that failure which could have been my fate.

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January 12, 2024
Work Harder Day 2023
    recycle fail

There was a time immediately following my hitch in the Navy that I wanted to do my utmost in all tasks. This attitude took a beating when I went to Nassau Recycle Corporation in Gaston South Carolina which was an island of meaningless desolation where each and every other employee in my midst was out to do as little as humanly possible then collect that paycheck.

So I discarded my desire for excellence in the workplace ... given that the rude yankee leadership of the joint was simply out to completely pollute the area ground water with lead and other heavy metals. I was glad to see the place forced to shutdown and return to New York with all the other rude yankees they employ to become that pollution municipal lawsuit riddled superfund mess it presently remains to this day.

Today is Work Harder Day.

It is a January 12th observance said to originate in 2016 which is meant to inspire people to work harder.

So those limitations inherent to the poor trash employees of Gaston's Nassau Recycle Corporation likely cannot stand up to the tenets of this day despite that diaspora following the break up of the local Nassau Recycle center of pollution entity.

I am retired and therefore unlikely to work harder today. I'm just glad the rude yankee management of Nassau Recycle Corporation and their simpleton hick abomination servants got told to go away in no uncertain terms.

Happy Work Harder Day ... if you have what it takes.

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