
World Piano Day 2024

Korg D1

I dabble at the piano periodically. I have been asked many times about how long I have been playing. To this I admit that I don't "play" and that I've had no formal lessons.

I suppose that which I do at the keyboard could be called "tone poems" or "faking".

I had a Roland A90 Ex which I gave to my niece because I lost respect for the man who sold it to me. These days I no longer sport an instrument in my living room as I did for so many years.

Today is World Piano Day, celebrated appropriately enough on the 88th day of the year which correpsonds to the number of keys on a full size keyboard. It is held under the auspices of one Nils Frahm a pianist of German extraction and composer who started it all back in 2015.

It is a celebration of pianos, music, musicians, and all who indulge this, my most favorite instrument.

So regardless if you play or not the day is for you to enjoy the piano and all it has to offer.

See Also:

Liberace Day 2024
World Piano Day 2023
International Stage Management Day 2023
National Buy a Musical Instrument Day 2022
World Piano Day 2022
Little Richard's Posthumous Birthday
Vince Guaraldi
Donald Fagen's birthday 2019