
National Bobblehead Day 2025

The Trumpinator Bobblehead

Yeah I've collected a few bobbleheads over the years. They represent characters in theatre and pop culture with which I have developed an affinity.

I have Beavis and Butthead from my old MTV days. I have Dexter because the character creeped me out. I have Amy Farrah Fowler from my spate watching The Big Bang Theory because I am attracted to brainy witty woman childs. Of course I have a Trumpinator bobblehead because I have been behind President Elect Donald Trump primarily due to the treatment he has suffered at the hands of the evil democrats and the slugs consisting of New York lawfare negros in particular.

I buy bobbleheads representing those individuals with whom I find affinity. This will never be a lying ass lawfare democrat nor dirtbag New York Attorney, General or otherwise, NOR some crooked concocted New York scum jury either. I am keenly aware of predators such as these.

☠  You know Michael Cohen the rat,
☠  New York Attorney General soros whore Letitia James,
☠  New York Attorney soros whore Alvin Bragg,
☠  New York County Judge soros whore Juan Merchan and soros whore democrat monetizing bitch daughter,
☠  The New York Jury soros whores.
☠  George Soros, his peckerhead son Alexander as well as his entire meddling lawfare financing organization.

I feel these criminals should ALL be packed up and sent to GITMO in chains.
Bread and water for life with no chance of parole.

I don't really take bobbleheads seriously. I do, however take the piss poor government of New York and the liar democrat lawfare scumbags of congress seriously.

Democrats need to give me wide berth and don't tell me their party affiliation if they don't want trouble.

My name is trouble. I like the rough stuff. Don't give me anymore reasons.

Happy National Bobblehead Day.