"Good Witch" is a Hallmark Channel fantasy television program about a mystical woman lead named Cassie Nightingale and her daughter Grace.
It began as a television film from 2008. It has become a series of 6 television films as well as the television series Good Witch.
A character named Dr Sam Radford moves in next door to Grey House with his son and they both become close with the occupants of casa Nightingale aka Grey House.
It seems that Ms Nightingale has the knowledge to fix most anything that ails a person and this skill is not lost on the good Dr Radford.
The lead characters have a reserved presence and there are no ugly people in the entire cast ... only those who with personalities more or less scheming, ruthless as well as personable or even nice.
There are a variety of supporting roles and there is humor interspersed with some infuriating situational themes and it's all about as G rated as anything I've ever encountered.
I think that's why Mama likes it so much. She doesn't go for the harsh and foul language nor graphic violence. Anyway we went over the episode list and I think she wants to watch all programs in the series.
As her entertainment choices are my responsibility at this time I'm making the streaming device available to her through 10 pm seven days a week so that she has the opportunity to watch any and all programs she wants.