
Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day 2024

    public demo of bottle handstand
I can't claim to possess any unique talents. Alas, I am just a man with regular man abilities despite my success in life otherwise.

Today is Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day.

It happens each November 24 and celebrates our various differences.

While others may claim that my ability to sit at a computer and make it walk the dog is a "talent" I view it as merely a vocation.

Had I done brain surgery for 40 years I would know brain surgery. I have been doing computers for 40 years and therefore that has become my forte.

I don't think my abilities render me unique on the planet. Only fit to handle those things for which I continue to be responsible.

Happy Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day and I hope those things you do bring light to your life and cash in your pocket as have mine.