
September 23, 2024
Celebrate Bisexuality Day 2024
    bi flag shot up

Perverts unite ! Yet another homo nasty Celebrate Bisexuality Day is upon us.

Held under the auspices of pervs in charge, one Wendy Curry, one Michael Page, and one Gigi Raven Wilbur. Now is the time for all good straight men to come to the aid of their country.

Time yet again for the medical community to ignore the ICD and. DSM classifications correctly calling the condition pathological because there are SO MANY perverts out there that their numbers cannot be contended with by the weak healthcare infrastructure individuals in charge and the preponderance of queers looking to insert their fingers in asses.

So, if you're a boy and like to ride or eat the one eyed worm or a girl who can't resist a juicy woman carpet to impale on rubber or lick this day is for your pervert ass.

lgbt flag shot up    

The day is SUPPOSED to teach acceptance.

Acceptance of your sickness will never happen as far as I am concerned.

I have a number of friends and associates who think bisexuality if fine. They are products of the "as long as you don't bother me I don't care what you do because morality no longer matters" mentality.

Personally, I decline to allow ANY form of influence of my young ones by some misguided decadent carnal scoundrel.

So happy Celebrate Bisexuality Day and I hopefully look forward to watching you burn in the lake of fire.

Ignore you ? Hell no I'm not ignoring you. I'm out to get you and put you out of your misery. Call me prejudiced and intolerant all you want. Just don't intrude upon my kids. It doesn't change what I want you see happen to you.

Happy Celebrate Bisexuality Day pervert freaks. Now die.

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September 22, 2024
Autum Equinox 2024
In West Columbia, South Carolina Autumn begins on Sunday, September 22 at 8:43 am EDT.

This is due to the advent of the autumnal equinox, which occurs when the sun is moving along the orbital plane of Earth around the Sun in a southeasterly direction.

The moment at which the sun passes through celestial equator marks the beginning of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern Hemisphere.

Equinox was also the first album I ever purchased back in the mid 1970s by what was then my favorite band, Styx ... unfortunately they pussed out with their album Cornerstone whereby we parted company, though I didn't realize the end had come until sometime later.

Druids at Stonehenge Autumn Equinox

The day used to be a time for a lot of pagan ceremonies, you know ...

MabonGiving thanks for material posessions like abundant crops and other blessings.
Food AltersGathering the bounty from the fields, orchards and the gardens.
The Dark Mother   Demeter and her daughter abducted by Hades, Persephone.
Gratitude RitualsGiving thanks for all things material and spiritual.

Nowadays we just mark our calendars and move on unless you find yourself in some Druid cult.

I hope the season change brings you enjoyment at whatever your level of engagement.

Happy start of the Fall season to you !
Harvest Moon
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September 21, 2024
World Alzheimer's Day 2024
    Glen Campbell
Alzheimer’s disease is a chronic brain disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills. Eventually the victim loses the ability to complete the simplest tasks.

In most people with the disease — those with the late-onset type symptoms first appear in their mid-60s. Early-onset Alzheimer’s occurs between a person’s 30s and mid-60s and is quite rare. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia among older adults.

It robs a person of their reality. They no longer know who or where they are. They fail to recognize those once dearest to their hearts.

My dear grandmother Ida Whetstone Williamson suffered in a vegetative state with Alzheimer's for eleven years before passing an invalid incapable of interacting or knowing much of anything.

Glen Campbell was another victim as well.

Former President Ronald Regan announced one day that he had it and suffered an extended descent into darkness Mrs Nancy Regan called "the long goodbye".

Indeed, Alzheimer's dementia is a sad notion to ponder in the life of anyone. It does not know fairness or family boundaries.

Today is World Alzheimer’s Day.

It is celebrated on September 21 annually. While advanced age is the most common denominator, it is not purely a disease of the aged. All too many see the disease as a "normal" part of the aging process. I, for one, do not. I have been intervening in the prevention of that disease in me and mine for a number of years now.

This scourge can and will eventually be beat.

See Also:

Birthday of My Grandma Ida
Plan Your Epitaph Day 2023
The first euthanasia provided by Jack Kevorkian
Ronald Reagan
Alois Alzheimer
Glen Campbell RIP

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September 20, 2024
National Concussion Awareness Day 2024
Concussion aka mild traumatic brain injury involves injury to the head with temporary affect to the functioning of the brain. It is often accompanied by loss of consciousness; memory loss; headaches; cognitive difficulty, problems with concentration or balance; nausea; blurred vision; dizziness; sleep and mood issues.

These manifestations can happen immediately or later during the course of injury.

I have had one concussion that I know of. In the eighth grade I was pushed down at the school bus stop and struck the back of my head on the pavement.

Today is National Concussion Awareness Day.

It is held on the third Friday of September annually under the auspices of the Brain Injury Association of America making it September 20 this year.

Concussions are commonly associated with injuries during sporting events but are also brought on by other non-sporting activities like vehicle collisions, falls, and accidents involving recreation.

The day is a vehicle for dissemination of information between health care providers and patients regarding traumatic brain injury.

Ideally, traumatic brain injury is supposed to be handled with care but sometimes the condition goes unrecognized and has the potential to cause further problems.

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September 19, 2024
Remembering Mario Batali
    Mario Batali
Back in the late 1990s I began watching a cooking show called Molto Mario. I enjoyed watching the food prep as well as the local segments shot in Italy — and getting various culinary tips from the chef, Mario Batali.

I watched this program through the early 2000s during my miserable college instruction days — and it was a very enjoyable respite with my stressful lifestyle doing things I didn't enjoy and never having watched much in the way of cooking shows beyond the PBS Julia Child mess of my childhood.

Later I read of his trial and acquittal on charges of groping some female golddigger metoo whore with three more going for the gusto. I thought it was a shame to bust up the man's career for want of personal gain. Four women accused him of sexual harassment and sexual assault and it does not appear they were successful in their exploits.

They lost him jobs, retail contracts, and other aspects of success even though they were unable to achieve the financial gain they went after.

They lost me some of the most enjoyable entertainment I have known.

Though I am a self admitted late blooming comportment freak, I never had an unpleasant moment watching him on television. I do agree that those in the public eye should watch their behavior quite carefully. I would have been keeping the female of the species in particular at arms length
had I been him with all he had to lose.

Mario Francesco Batali was born September 19, 1960 in Seattle, Washington. This makes him some 5 years younger than me. He went to Rutgers and Le Cordon Bleu and is married with 2 children.

His claim to fame is being an exceptional American chef, writer, and he used to be quite the restaurateur with widespread interests in the field.

Today is his birthday. Happy birthday to you !

It is because of him that predatory women should think twice before messing with me. I'm not civil with the uncivil riff raff going around even if they are female. Luckily I am pretty doggone slim pickings and have little to worry about with the career golddiggers ...

F☠ck around and find out.

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September 18, 2024
National Respect Day 2024
Respect is a powerful state of being.

It is a feeling of deference, regard, esteem, and admiration.

It is an attempt not to intrude upon the space of another, particularly at those times when intrusion is noncontributory.

There are moments in the life of others where I try to afford them the highest respect.

Sadness, grief, embarassment, and other moments experienced by others where I cannot be specifically helpful typically cause me to step aside and remain apart.

When I was a manchild in my late teens I was not very respectful.

This has been something I've worked on over the years in an attempt to hone my comportment to my satisfaction.

Today is National Respect Day.

It is held September 18 each year and encourages respectful behavior toward everyone in an effort to "lead by example"

The actual origin of the observance remains unknown.

Suffice it to say that respect garners more of it and the more we have the better off we'll all be.

Happy National Respect Day.

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September 17, 2024
National IT Professionals Day 2024
    National IT Professionals Day

I began working in computers back in the 1970s. I have been doing the work ever since "plan A" was no longer feasible.

Over the years I've worked with a lot of great people and others who were not so great.

It seems that right about the time we raised that generation of burger flippers (duh) in the 1980s the field went into steep decline. Talk about a stupid bunch of dope smokers and glue huffers.

I am amazed how people who can't even write, much less CODE call themselves "professionals" of any kind.

The "oop" or 'object oriented programming' people are the most prevalent example of this particular variety of idiot.

These dumbasses I have encountered far outnumber those stellar examples of technical skill I always attempted to both attain and demonstrate in the workplace.

This has been both a double edged sword and a benefit as my subject matter expertise has always seen me through and has often impinged on my premium free time.

I find that the hardware and software skills I have were always a good mix in the workplace. However, you end up being some master degree holders bitch even though they are typically as dumb as dirt. "Personnel Director" bitches are the absolute worst. Talk about dumbass on the hoof in a skirt ...

You can usually find them working some attorney group on Main Street in Columbia, SC as well talking about "qualifications" as though they knew what they were or had a single one.

So today is National I T Professionals Day. It goes down on the third Tuesday of September since 2015.. Don't ask me what the platitude is all about because I really neither solicit nor need "a day". Regardless I hope you fall on the stellar rather than dumbass side of the skillset.

A note regarding this word "professional". In IT you are a professional if you can do the work to the point of subject matter expertise. So many IT so-called "professionals" are suits without skills. Therein lay my disdain.

Good luck !

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September 16, 2024
National Choose Your Chocolate Day 2024
Sees Chocolate    
I ate a fair amount of See's candy while on the west coast in my young adulthood.

The brand is a longstanding California original and it is therefore appropriate that I first encountered it there.

I was known to frequent the mall at Huntington Beach and here I found the confection to be superior to Whitman's and others available locally.

While most of my cohorts were milk chocolate fans, I personally preferred the dark chocolates because I perceived them to be "less" sweet.
Davey Davey quite contrary how does your garden grow ?

The variety of individual chocolates as well as available packages and boxes were astounding.

Today is National Choose Your Chocolate Day.

Back then I was sporting a 34 inch waist with a 56 inch chest and massive arms so I saw little need to diet.

It would seem that Mary See's popularity has survived her by a long shot.

Nowadays eating milk chocolate results in little more than a multitude of zits greeting me in the bathroom mirror the next day. Though I have been repeatedly assured by my physicians that chocolate does not cause acne, I attempt to abstain these days for that reason.
Though dark chocolate and cacao nibs indeed are — I only wish that all sweets were an actual health food !

Happy National Choose Your Chocolate Day, be your choice Whitman's, Sees, or any other.

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September 15, 2024
National google.com Day 2024
    i hate google
Again? Some other god forsaken google based holiday ?

What the HELL is WRONG with everybody ?

You don't even know when you're being abused.

Screw National Google.com Day.

That's today. September 15.

What better day to learn about Google and it's penchant for monopoly and censorship because so many of us are too stupid to know things on our own.

Merriam-Webster, always to jumping at the codification of national tragedy added the word "google" in 2006.

Noah Webster would be apalled that the world has become this stupid.

Stupid hair brain english majors.

What a shameful mechanism for coddling evil.

Die Alphabet die.

Die google die.

Die supporters of google die.

See Also:

Google Commemoration Day 2024
Bram Moolenaar RIP
No wonder I hate google
Google is biased
Google is Evil
That failure called the Search Engine
Clickbait is a Pervasive Web Technology
Google's Birthday 2022
I don't need google in my life
World Hello Day 2021
google.com registered in 1997
Stupid vs Treacherous Scripting
Bots behaving badly
Google Remains a Dastardly Political Dirtbag
Fed Up with Search Engines in General
Google, the Judiciary, and We Peons
The Status Quo Will Go
Google now Gone

Tags: technology, ecommerce
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September 14, 2024
National Sober Day 2024
decline alcohol    
I am what is known as a teetotaler. This is one who abstains completely from alcoholic beverages.

It wasn't always this way. I once would sit and imbibe with the best of them. Then the information that I suffered from metabolic syndrome X and adult onset diabetes hit me like a brick wall. I did a lot of reading on the condition and decided that drinking was decidedly bad for persons with that condition.

So now I don't do much drinking at all, but will partake VERY occasionally if among good friends.

Today is National Sober Day.

It is an annual ocurrence each September 14. It is said to be a part of National Sober Month under the auspices of "Real Aligned Women" who refer to themselves as a "sisterhood for sobriety". It is also sponsored by The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration which are essentially a bunch of psychology majors with a psychological label for all occasions.

The thrust of this observance is getting and staying sober. I no longer engage in substance abuse of any kind so this is not something I need a bunch of 'holier than thou' psychology so-called "professionals" to push on me.

Be all of this as it may keep your degree and your opinions away from me. Been there, done that and NONE of you were helpful or germane to any of my substance abuse issues at all.

Thanks for nothing.

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September 13, 2024
Uncle Sam Day 2024
    Uncle Sam
Uncle Sam is an anthropomorphic graphical representation of the United States of America.

I like a kick ass Uncle Sam to the point that I will actively pursue persons who tear down and damage The Republic.

This is why I am purely ANTI democrat scum.

They do nothing but try to destroy the country at every turn and there is nobody to take them to task.

The pussy republicans talk a good show, but do nothing.

Actions speak louder than words.

Therefore, I am no longer a republican.

They simply no longer represent me.

I seek a more radical element to cast into the mix and destroy the enemies of our nation.

The democrats are the enemy.

Today is Uncle Sam Day.

It is observed each September 13 annually.

The day commemoriates the nation in the form of that iconic image which is SUPPOSED to represent our lamer pussy woke ass government.

Boo evil reprobate democrats.
We're coming for you.

Boo pussy republicans.

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September 12, 2024
National Day of Encouragement 2024
National Day of Encouragement    
Encouragement. Something I received as a child from my mother. Not much from daddy, not from any teachers, not from anyone else.

Today is National Day of Encouragement.

It is held each September 12 in the name of positive impacts upon other people.

A few words of encouragement gives you the power to provide uplift to someone when they are down.

It can also be a source of help when another is struggling.

You can encourage someone to pick themselves back up after a setback.

Perspective provides that impetus for improvement in all aspects of existence.

Praise and encourage for the efforts of another is something to strive for and attain all year long.

This day orginates from the 2007 of a group of young people at the National Leadership Forum at Harding University in Searcy, Arkansas. They originated this idea of The Encouragement Project. Thus began the National Day of Encouragement.

It was an attempt to overcome the grim reality of that lack of encouragement when presented as the main obstacles with the youth.

To overcome negative influences was the thrust of the project.

So if you can find it upon yourself to offer a little encouragement every now and then you will surely have great impact on the evolution of society here in the United States.

Happy National Day of Encouragement.

olive branch

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September 11, 2024
Patriot Day 2024

We have another September 11 upon us with it's memories of the 9/11 attacks on multiple US sites. This was due to failed leadership, dawdling civil defense, and ignoring the signs up front. We allowed the perpetrators to be trained on big jets here in the United States because there was no vigilance. This is what happens when your chief executive is a ninny.

This resulted in Patriot Day as a time to reflect on the devastating terror attacks that took nearly 3,000 lives as well as those failures associated thereto. We commemorate those lost and thank the first responders. Many of the casualties were realized long afterward in the form of breathing those dust particles and that subsequent infirmity they imparted to our frail human existence.

Twin Towers pre 9/11

I generally take a few moments today to consider what we stand for as a nation and how we can work together to make the world a better place for all.

The influx of foreign criminals caused by the totally FAILED Biden-Harris regime is certainly NOT a proper path in this regard. I feel it's quite outrageous to make a failed current vice president your candidate stupd democrats.

So if you lost someone in the 9/11 attacks I hope you have been able to gain peace. Otherwise you might display a little of that anger toward the administration and the handling of matters within the Republic by the incompetents we vote into power and over whom we exercise NO control.

What a stupid country we have become existing in an equally stupid woke world.

The so-called "elite" are just a another group of dumb asses with "safe space" degrees from Harvard and Yale.

Boo !

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September 10, 2024
White Balloon Day 2024
    white ballooons

Today is White Balloon Day. It is held each September 10 under the auspices of a group called "Braveharts" during what ostensibly is National Child Protection Week. The idea is that cchildren should be able to feel safe and happy but this is not always the case. The Bravehearts organization brings hope to the abused.

It is said we have a contingent of evil permeating the political sphere whereby people travel great distances for adrenochrome, a blood derivative typically "harvested" from children who are then killed.

In the further name of consipiracy theories, this is something I believe:

We have evil lesbian pedophiles who are both elected politicians and pursue innocent victims who are made subject to their perverse whims.

Consipiracy theories ? I certainly wish I thought they were — but I have read too many evidentary depositions and seen too many photographs. Plus with the vast bulk of democrats being the lot of scum that they are I believe the anecdotal evidence presented regarding high level operatives within the democrat party being taken to places where this behavior transpirers.

Sexual assault and adrenochrome harvesting on children is alive and well in the United States. The Biden administration has created a favorable atmosphere for child sex trafficking with the massive influx of foreign criminals and NOBODY is doing anything about it.

I say gather the evidence then throw these criminal politicians who are said to prey upon children into GITMO and chain them to the walls outside in the sun til they are well done.

White Balloon Day is not what it should be. There is no proactive prevention of child abuse on any avenue.

the ends of child abuse


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