
October 7, 2024
World Cotton Day 2024

My childhood was populated with cotton bolls. The fluffy white fiber product of the cotton plant was all around me during my high school years and on those forays to Grandma Ida's house before then. We would go to the Hugh Whetstone Gin up the road and they would suck the plants into the machine and they would be returned plant less and seedless and ready to cart off to the textiles industry.

Today is World Cotton Day.

It happens each October 7 since October 7, 2019 under the auspices of he Cotton Four countries which are Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, and Mali. . It celebrates the cotton plant which is a natural fiber used in clothing. It constitutes 27% of the textile needs of the planet. I like the breathable absorbent products manufactured from cotton and will buy it preferentially over any synthetic any time.

The United Nations has done nothing good for the world except try to rule it incompetently and we should wrap them up in cotton and burn them at the stake.

Cotton means clothing and jobs and therefore it is a good thing. The United Nations means Agenda 2030 oppression and incompetence in all things and should be disbanded.

Cotton is a global commodity. I personally feel that it with all other commodities should be the responsibility of the juridiction needing it. I simply LOVE cotton clothing, from drawers and t-shirts through the long sleeve regalia I used to don prior to retiring and finding myself totally useless.

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October 6, 2024
Zero Inbox Day 2024
I get a lot of email.

Most of it is due to various subscriptions I have others are personal, questions, and aspects of business. I never let the inbox get out of hand. I go through the receipts and place them in their appropriate folder as a matter of daily work. I can't see keeping a couple thousand of these so quite a few make it to the 'bit bucket' never again to see the light of day.

Today is Zero Inbox Day.

It is held each October 6 since 2020 under the auspices of an applications developer who calls himself Superhuman to provide a vehicle to promote inbox management for the common man. Seeing how my sorting is ongoing and a daily occurrence I never let there become an email problem as it were.

I have no qualms with deleting anything that comes to the inbox and I have never considered any email to be an "emergency" even though I get a few from time to time claiming this designation.

I think there is a lot to be said for productivity. I just think a day like this is a miscarriage of everything mindful and significant to my existence.

This day is for the huddled skill-less masses of those with too little to do and less with which to work.

There is always time to do the right thing. If this is right for you I think you should go for it.

I figure I get about as much email as anyone. If you, like me, consider Zero Inbox Day some lamer gimmick and therefore a waste of time you may simply ignore all the hubub.

Happy Zero Inbox Day to all you Superhuman types out there !

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October 5, 2024
National Be Nice Day 2024
    be nice
So I once avoided situations where I was expected to be pleasing and agreeable in nature. Since my fashionista days of the late 1980s I have tried to maintain as pleasant or attractive appearance as was possible with the resources available to me.

Now I neither dress for nor coddle these crybaby sensitive types.

v Also early on exhibiting courtesy and politeness was somehow anathema to my existence. I think it has to do with my public school education.

Nowadays I am somewhat more amenable to societal norms until I meet someone with an ax to grind and there it all goes out the window.

Today is National Be Nice Day. It is an October 5th happening to remind us that we should be nice everyday.

Positivity not withstanding I am simply trying to avoid beating the crap out of somebody for some avoidable transgression of comportment.

Luckily I tend to my own demeanor these days and have little to be confrontational regarding — though I admit the animosity can certainly raise it's ugly head at the drop of a hat.

So be nice if that's you. I don't ask anyone to be anything other than what they are.

Happy National Be Nice Day and try not to be too confrontational or combative.

Just keep that trusty mattock handle or favorite club handy and I'll try to do the same.

mattock handle

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October 4, 2024
National Body Language Day 2024
Spy vs Spy    

Body language refers to those gestures, postures, and facial expressions by which a person may indicate various physical, mental, or emotional states being called "communicating nonverbally" with others.

This nonverbal communication by means of facial expressions, eye behavior, gestures, posture, and the like; are often thought to be involuntary.

Then there are the deliberate, usually culturally influenced, nonverbal communication using the body through facial expressions, gesticulations, dancing, insufferable mimes, and so forth.

Now then, I'm not a big proponent of body language as an art form and even less so as a science. I dare say I think students of body language are pseudointellectuals attempting to tout some nonexistent "skill" as worth mentioning. Perhaps too many of us are simply of a too 'follow he herd" mentality and just want to act similarly to everyone else they know.

I know many others will disagree.

Perhaps this is all due to 'poker face' and not revealing yourself to your enemies such as I have practiced since boot camp where I was thrown in the brig for mutiny and conspiracy. Such ridiculous antics by idiots in charge lead to the keeping of ones heart far from their sleeve.

Today is National Body Language Day. It is held since 2010 under the auspices of one Blanca Cobb, so-called "body language expert" and usually goes down on the first Friday of October making it October 4th this year.

The day is meant to make people realize some power in body language as an important mode of communication. I for one am ususally crystal clear in my intent, and yes, I suppose that you might say that body language could be a valid indicator of this.

For example, with me you will readily know if I am incredulous — or bored — or if you better run for your life. I remain and have been a very effective communicator. If you wish to attribute part of this to your perception of "body language" then more power to you !

Happy National Body Language Day regardless of your take on it all.

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October 3, 2024
National Techies Day 2024
    Sager Notebook Internals
Though I am reticent to refer to myself as a "techie" I am quite the technical person. I have spent the last 40 years immersed in mainframes, minis, and micros and you'll be hard pressed to find a class of computer I haven't operated extensively at the keyboard.

I formerly serviced notebooks in the mix but this is no more for the past 15 years or so. I have found that the two large hams at the end of my arms called "hands" really weren't optimal for this type of work and I diligently avoided the notebook as an art form — and a computer toward the waining years of my career on my way to this dreadful situation called retirement. BOR—ing.

I guess I figured that server and workstation configurations were all that are necessary. However, the end result was that proliferation of the notebook and tablet and worse; the smart phone was supplanting the desktop and tower configurations by and large. This is particularly true for low tech natives and invading foreign nationals who think they may do any manner of business from a smart phone on Starlink.

However, I maintain those things of internet in my posession now — but my personal service agenda does not include notebooks, tablets, nor phones. I avoid the smartphone for anything outside the realm of telephony or playing music while I am walking. As such, I am particularly averse to the 'droid' stupid phones by the assholes at google who think they rule the planet. Unfortunately, I do indeed have one.

Today is National Techies Day. It is observed on October 3 under the auspices of CNT Networks since 1999 in an effort to make known those opportunities younger people may pursue in the technology industry.

So yes, I don't really go for sub micro configurations because of my hand size. I likewise decline to be the bitch of idiots that do then break these devices in the manner I see all the time. If you can not use a particular device effectively you're better off staying away from it.

So happy National Techies Day. I'm afraid ITX mobos and cases are as small as I go these days. We all have a fit and that one is mine.

6 way driver

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October 2, 2024
Guardian Angel Day 2024
Rosie Cepero    
Though there are authorities which state to the contrary, I am under the impression that I do not have a guardian angel. To the best of my knowledge I have never noticed a contact attempt, nor do I hear voices advising me of any matter.

Rosie Cepero, host of the television series Angels Among Us makes claims otherwise. She says that we all have guardian angels. So it could be that my comportment has been such that my guardian angel feels I do not warrant any advise or intervention otherwise. Celestial abandonment not withstanding, suffice it to say I feel that God may shun me. I do not claim not to "deserve" it ...

But it remains a difficult matter with which to contend.

Today is Guardian Angel Day.

It happens each October 2 annually. Ostensibly we are supposed to recognize the protective role that guardian angels impart to our existence. There is a Catholic observance which celebrates the Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels or the Feast of the Guardian Angels. I remain unconvinced that I have a guardian angel.

Most of us believe Guardian Angels exist. I don't doubt their existence, I just cannot recognize that which remains aloof from me. I also wonder why a group calling themselves "guardian angels" would have permitted the many abuses of the Catholic church through eons of history. Surely burning and torture cannot be their purview.

So yes, I believe there are guardian angels. I just don't think I have one, nor can I "second guess" the almighty. I suppose all things will be made known to me in due time. At least that's how I envision things.

I tried to get a reading from Rosie Cepero who has a television program touting communication with guardian angels — but she did not respond to me. I'm sure she cannot be all things to all people so I just bear this snub as apparent "just desserts" and carry on. Could this indeed be a portend of reality?

Happy Guardian Angel Day to all you lucky people who have one.

See Also:

Guardian Angels Day 2023
National Psychic Day 2022

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October 1, 2024
World Sake Day 2024
    Mr Ryo Watanabe displays sake

Kampai !

I have had sake on a very limited number of occasions. My first taste was dining on the Ginza in Tokyo. I'm afraid that the drink was cloudy and harsh but this was a preferred brand consumed with great relish by the locals and I just jumped right in and was enthusiastic for the experience. Subsequent tastes of the drink — and the place where my taste for sake itself was cultivated was at Inakaya Watanabe on Saint Andrews at Jamil Road in Saint Andrews, Columbia, SC.

My friend Ryo-San served it up periodically and I partook of several different varieties. He introduced me to my first truly refined mild brand translated as Gentekken Tiara over the Moon. It became a quick favorite of mine and I didn't bat an eye at the eighty dollar bottle — which was a magnificent work of art I might add. Another mild favorite sake of mine is the fruity and subtle Haiku. Oh, how intoxicatingly wonderful. It will light you up like a Christmas tree.

Even though my frequency of visitation has diminished over time, every time I dine at Inakaya Watanable it is a new taste sensation which leaves me anticipating my next visit.

Today is World Sake Day aka Nihonshu no Hi, held since 1978 under the auspices of Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association.

It marks the beginning of the annual rice harvest. It is observed each October 1 annually to recognize sake and its contributions to Japanese culture, ceremonies, and celebrations. Indeed each visit to Inakaya Watanabe is a celebration. The day also hopefully cultivates an appreciation for sake.

So regardless of whether you reside in Japan or elsewhere this day remains for all sake aficionados internationally.

See Also:

International Sushi Day 2022
World Sake Day 2023
International Sushi Day 2024
National Chopsticks Day 2024

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September 30, 2024
National Chewing Gum Day 2024
juicy fruit chewing gum    

There was a time when I partook of chewing gum with a much greater frequency than I do these days. When I was a child my mom could usually come up with a piece of Juicy Fruit albeit in different packaging ... seeing how that was her favorite gum and I would indulge forthwith.

As a child I would also find the wish to chew gum strongest in those places which forbade it. As an adult I typically don't feel the urge to chew gum at all because it is insufficiently stimulating.

Today is National Chewing Gum Day. It goes down each September 30 annually.

About the only use for such a day is promotion as far as I can tell. Be all of this as it may chewing gum lacks the allure it had for me as a child, but indeed I have been known to chew upon it like Mr Escoe L Robinson's cud chewing cow poem we would recite line for line after getting caught in his English class chewing gum.

Ah, those were the days.

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September 29, 2024
World Heart Day 2024
    Human Heart
Today is World Heart Day. It is held each September 29 annually under the auspices of the World Heart Federation.

The purpose of the day is to raise awareness regarding the impact of cardiovascular disease on people. It is a time to discuss warning signs, prevention measures, and how to help those in your midst who may be suffering from it.

It is said to encompass all matters of the heart in an effort to negate the global impact of heart disease.

Cardiovascular disease are said to consititute the most common causes of death on the planet.

Likely a function of the inadequate nutrition specified by "consultants" in the ivy league institutions by an even more inadequate government contingent who do not know their butts from holes in the ground.

Harvard University is NOT your friend. They are out to fleece you by selling contrived scientific research then lead you down the garden path to the desolation of your health.

Alas, I'm sure my sedentary lifestyle will eventually tell on me.

Anyway your heart is there beating away. What you do to intervene on it's behalf is up to you.

There are matters of the heart with which a physician really cannot help you beyond advice.

It takes more than advice. It takes action.

Happy World Heart Day.

See Also:

International Self Care Day 2024
National No Smoking Day 2024
National No Smoking Day 2023
National Triglycerides Day 2022
National No Smoking Day 2022
First Artificial Heart Implanted this day in 1982
World Diabetes Day 2021
My Sister had a heart attack
World Heart Day 2021
World Heart Day 2020
I Remember Tiny Tim
Blood Pressure Pill Hell
Neal E Boyd
World Heart Day 2018
The first time I held my father's hand
World Heart Day

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September 28, 2024
Fish Amnesty Day 2024
Marine Tank

Aquaria has been a favorite past time of mine. Unfortunately my last foray into tanks and fish was long ago. I hope to pursue this again later if I live long enough.

Today is Fish Amnesty Day. It happens on the fourth Saturday in September annually since 1997 under the asupices of PETA. This year it falls on September 28.

The day is a vehicle for the public awareness of marine life such as fish. They like all other animals share the planet with us and deserve our utmost consideration.

Ecological issues such as overfishing, oil spills, the climate contribute to our diminishing fish populations. The country of Japan is singularly the largest poacher of the fish and marine mammals on the Earth. They feel it is their right to take all the marine life as they see fit. Nobody calls them on it. No one stops them. They think they can arrest you on the high seas if you interfere with any aspect of their operations.

Fish are an important part of the ecosystem and food chain on the planet. This is a day to find out how they may be protected and act accordingly. There are really no laws protecting fish by and large. Perhaps we should rethink their place on the planet and consider what constitutes cruelty.

Perhaps we should nuke Japan a couple more times. Teach them just who owns what and who doesn't.

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September 27, 2024
Save the Koala Day 2024
The Koala is a tree dwelling marsupial indigenous to Australia and iconic of that country said to be endangered due to human encroachment and activities as well as changes in climate with drought, bush fires, vehicle strikes, and predation by canines being the predominate threats.

This is Save The Koala Day.

It is celebrated on the last Friday in September under the auspices of The Australian Koala Foundation.

Their aim is to save the koalas and their habitats and raise awareness of their species in an effort that they might not go extinct.

Koala were listed as "vulnerable" in 2012 under the EPBC Act of the Australian Law.

It appears that this is not proving sufficient to maintain their numbers. Australia continues to understate the immediate attention that koala conservatorship requires. This is likely a result of the so-called "woke" contingent who have overtaken their governement.

So we may indeed lose this symbol of Australia in a world where people who populate koala habitat simply show insufficient concern.

Save the Koala if you will. Perhaps the zoos will be able to set aside enough specimens to maintain the animal's existence on the Earth. It may well be that the future koala you see will be the work of some taxidermist instead of a living specimen.

Woke Australia

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September 26, 2024
Love Note Day 2024
    Insatiable lead

Alas, my lovey dovey days are over.

Whereas I once wrote poetry, bestowed roses, and professed an overflowing fount of emotion and meaning nowadays I simply take it in then move on.

When you get to be my age the chase gets old and the benefits less alluring than they once were.

Some of those way too clingy way too soon social episodes in my memory are part and parcel of this reduced need for company.

I encounter various others in my travels who inquire as to what happened to me — and why don't they ever see me anymore. I tell them that life and our activities otherwise have caused us to circulate in situations which have caused us to miss ...

There is really no explanation other than I no longer seek company outside my inner circle nor mingle.

Today is Love Note Day.

It is celebrated each September 26 every and is supposedly to inspire the sending of warm, heartfelt love notes to your partner perchance to convey your deepest emotions by writing down how much they mean to you and sending it to your lover.

My romatic days having departed a while back forces to beg your pardon if I find the whole concept a bit on the cheesy side of romaticism. There ultimately comes a time when pursuits other than pursuing Bob Lind's Elusive Butterfly of Love take preeminence over your existence.

Perhaps simply telling those for whom you feel close "I love you" will utimately suffice. Regardless, if you have a significant other be sure to show them some love.

If your looking good luck.

If you're no longer looking welcome to the club.

Happy Love Note Day. I hope the day is everything for which you could ask.

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September 25, 2024
National Comic Book Day 2024
When I was a kid I enjoyed comic books. I would buy and read them. My friends would buy and read them. One time there was a large brown box in a Hanahan, SC playhouse in my friend's back yard full of them. We sat for days just reading and browsing.

Those days having been long gone I was taken with the comic book store scenes from The Big Bang Theory because they brought back those memories of days gone by. While I must admit that my foray into comic books was at a much younger age than the cast of TBBT it was still gratifying to consider that indeed, some part of me is actually normal. I never had access to a comic book "store". I typically purchased mine at the local drug store around yon Yeamans Hall Plaza which though presently up for lease did a booming business back then.

Today is National Comic Book Day. It happens on September 25. The medium is something dear to my memory though nowadays I don't do anime or graphic novels or any of the other spinoffs.

Suffice it to say that comics had a significant place in my life and is now relegated to my past. Something about character redesign and plots being reworked and the entire nature of canon and multiuniverses simply lead me astray.

Regardless, I think it's fine for comic book fans to practice their affinity because the comic book was always something I enjoyed as well. They provided a release at a time in my life when few were available to me. Gosh, it's sometime difficult to grasp just how old I have become !

Happy National Comic Book Day.

Comic Book Store from TBBT

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September 24, 2024
National Punctuation Day 2024
punctuation marks    
September 24 is National Punctuation Day.

Held each September 24 it makes note of punctuation in the name of legible writing.

Back in the old cursive days of primary and secondary school I was known for failure to dot an i or cross a t but this improved over time.

Later, I went through my 'flourish phase' where I would embellish all my writing with various doodads until I reached the "utility phase" where I got in there and got out. No muss. No fuss. I have always received compliments for my handwriting and I am told it is very legible.

I am in the habit nowadays of leaving out a number of period characters as a matter of course. I just don't see the need for all those periods.

I suppose the biggest impact that punctuation has had upon me is while coding. It's easy to misplace or transpose various characters and then you end up with some great 'bug' which must then be eliminated. Luckily I enjoy coding and more so debugging MY code. Though I do less of it sometimes a need arises suddenly and I am glad I can take care of business.

Happy National Punctuation Day you wordsmith you !

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