
October 21, 2024
National Check Your Meds Day 2024
    taking medication

One day I began to question my mother's compliance with her prescriptions. This brought about a change in the way we handled her daily requirements for health care. Now each morning I prepare all the items she is supposed to take for health maintenence and at 5 pm that day we do a recheck and take any remaining medications.

We have found this somewhat more tolerable than those questionable practices whereby I think she would go days without taking any of her meds. I then added a few nootropics and some other OTC metabolic health items I thought might help.

Today is National Check Your Meds Day. It happens annually on October 21 under the auspices of the National Community Pharmacists Association. It was established in 2017 by the US Department of Health and Human Services who I view as a bunch of irrelevant politically motivated ninnys anyway based on their handling of so-called 'plandemics' like COVID and Bird Flu which are being used as an attempt to control we tax payers. In theory this day is for patients to bring their prescriptions to their local pharmacists for review.

Now, while I think this is well and good I have reviewed her meds with her physician and I am sure she is taking those medications prescribed. Since she is on Express Scripts pharmacologic consultations are really not ideal any way.

Pharmacists can remove any prescriptions that have expired, update prescriptions as necessary, and answer consumer questions. If nothing else, it’s a rare chance for consumers to get free medical advice. I don't feel the need for pharmacists in my life. I should be able to go and buy those medications I want to take off of the shelf. This does not happen in a medical industrial complex out to control what you may or may not do. Thusly, there is a dark web and black market whereby you may skip these controls. The only problem with this is having the wherewithall to insure you get what you pay for. This additional vigilence in acquisition also adds to the cost. Caveat Emptor: let the buyer beware

Tags: health, people
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October 20, 2024
International Chef Day 2024
Emeril Legasse    

I used to watch chef programs on television in a younger day. It all started out with Julia Child on ETV in South Carolina and migrated to Emeril Legasse, Justin Wilson, and of course, Mario Batali. This went beyond to America's Test Kitchen and the ensemble chefs and testers and I think they were my favorite.

I was always intrigued by food preparation but it was the presentation aspects which took longer for me to fully grasp.

Today is International Chef Day. It is an October 20 observation held annually since 2004 under the auspices of one Dr Bill Gallagher of the World Association of Chefs celebrating the chefs of the world with a focus on healthy eating. They go with a theme and I think that seeing how much I enjoy food and fine dining I should have been paying more attention over the years.

So here's to the Chef. If you like to eat they are your kind of people too. I like the dynamic chefs with a presence you remember like Emeril's "BAM !". I can sit and listen to a chef discuss food preparation all day long. Alas, though I would gladly claim those bragging rights I am no chef. I squeak by with various dishes I prepare but lack that requisite knowledge to cook on the fly.

Gordon Ramsay would have a field day yelling at me. Happy International Chef Day and I hope you are able to go out for a fine meal as often as you like.

See Also:

Remembering Mario Batali
The ChefStore in Columbia
National Food Service Employees Day 2022
Culinarians Day 2021
Chef Paul Prudhomme
Remembering Ms Julia Child

Tags: people, food, health
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October 19, 2024
Evaluate Your Life Day 2024
    Herman Webster Mudgett, aka Dr Henry Howard Holmes aka H H Holmes

H H Holmes (1861–1896) was an American con artist and serial killer. His full name was Herman Webster Mudgett, aka Dr Henry Howard Holmes aka H H Holmes killer who was active between 1891 and 1894. He was executed by hanging on May 7, 1896 at Moyamensing Prison for murder.

I've sometimes wondered if incorrigible psychopathic / sociopathic types ever evaluate and reconsider their lives at any point. Indeed, I likely followed some of those same paths myself during my life time but the act of collecting my thoughts and asking "just who am I anyway" gave rise to a more social comportment and that realization that you attempt to avoid all behaviors which lead to more severity down the road ...

My activities of living have evolved to a much higher order thinking skills required as evidenced by how I conduct my personal affairs and provide myself with that self care essential to being healthy in this world where the government will intentionally try to kill you through both acts of commission and acts of omission. While everyone else is whining about COVID I simply eradicate it from my system. Those things that are most effective and do the best job are frowned upon by orthodoxed medicine because it renders them "less necessary".

Today is Evaluate Your Life Day. It is an annual event each October 19 under the auspices of Thomas and Ruth Roy who are the founders of Wellcat Holidays. It offers a time to reflect on that which you are in the hopes of evolving into something better. I believe that all people change over time. Whether that change is for the better (or not) is a function of being able to benefit from past mistakes.

We are not the sum total of the best or worst thing we do in life. We are all works in progress.

Self-evaluation and self-assessment are the end goal for progressive removal of any "bad" and distressing issues with which we may deal. It's not my place to judge you regarding who you are. I have a right to my opinion which I may express periodically but you ultimately make your own way in this world.

Evaluate Your Life Day provides a mechanism for cultivating a positive outlook and ascertaining if morality is where you are or headed. Kindness is not judgement and knowledge is power.

Tags: people, life, endings
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October 18, 2024
National Chocolate Cupcake Day 2024
chocolate cupcake    

I am a 'chocoholic'. I like chocolate to excess. I have eaten it even beyond that period of my life when it does metabolic damage.

Over the years I attempt to curb my craving for a taste of chocolate but it always reaches a point where I just go for it.

Today is National Chocolate Cupcake Day. It is an annual ocurrence each October 18 and celebrates the chocolate cupcake.

It is written that chocolate cupcakes first appeared in a 1796 cookbook called American Cookery and they have become increasingly more popular since then. The name 'cupcake' began around 1828 in another cook book.

You never had to convince me about the deliciousness of a chocolate cupcake.

Chocolate is my favorite flavor of cake in general.

So if you get the opportunity I hope you can indulge. I continue to work on my avoidance in an effort to keep my metabolic syndrome at bay — but it's a difficult matter.

Always has been.

Happy National Chocolate Cupcake Day to you.

Tags: food
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October 17, 2024
Returned from Hattiesburg
    Sherrie Lynn Gore
Just Returned from Hattiesburg, Mississippi where I attended my late cousin's funeral. The trip was long and arduous simply for the milage and that was all. I pulled into Hattiesburg around 5 pm and called my cousin to get some directions. She directed me to the home of her late parents, my beloved Bill and Glenda Gore and the Air B&B their home had become.

Little did I know that I was both being rescued from a strange place and offered a luxurious place to sleep as well. I've never been rescued in such a exquisite manner before. They had a place for the family and friends to meet which didn't entail everyone getting a hotel. I slept like a log and arose the next moring ready to hit the ground running.

The affair was at once somber and celebratory of her life and legacy and not entirely without a bit of friction and social drama seondary to behaviors witnessed ... but that's all part of being human.

My other two cousins were in and out of grief and socializing at the wake. The tears flowed and would ebb then return later. I felt a sense of emotional support and that their tears were not to be endured but to be understood. Episodic as it was the grief was palpable and I learned things about my late cousin I never knew.

Hattiesburg on the map    
I learned a lot of things about my kin the Gore clan. I reminisced about moments with my late loved ones gone on before as though it were yesterday. I viewed the first back yard in which I ever truly played. This was one of the most meaningful and personally satisfying trips I've ever made. When you are related to others it is important to know something about them. Understanding what they feel is important and their attitudes towards life and living.

I told them that I felt like I was family and they said I always was. This certainly how they always treated me. I feel like I know them all more and am left wishing I had spent more time with my two cousins who are now passed. Distance is a poor excuse for absence. I will now endeavor to be there for them whenever it is possible. I miss you Bill, Glenda, Greg and Sherrie. I am sorry we were separated by such distance.

Sherries Funeral

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October 15, 2024
Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity 2024
    Human Fetus 16 weeks

I have typically been a 'qualified' pro life person. While I don't see this "My body my choice" endless progression of abortions by slutty types thinking they need to lay around and breed then abort the products of conception — although I do feel that a woman who is having health issue regarding a pregnancy or if an unborn child has birth defects of sufficient severity should be allowed to abort that pregnancy without asking permission from some elected numbskull.

Today is Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity and it happens annually on the third Tuesday of October under the auspices of one Bryan Kemper since 2004.

It is said to be a day for us to remain silent in remembrance of the children who have lost their voices as a result of abortion.

Again, sometimes I feel abortion is justified. This being said, I don't think some feminist asshole should be able to abort a pregnancy as a convenience item to promote slutting around. If you get in my face say "my body my choice" I will likely strike your whore ass down closed fist and simply accept the consequences.

Yeah. Abortion should happen in certain cases.

However, I don't feel it is some sex addict or judge or legislator's purview as to when and where is appropriate. After all with the advent of democrat libtard judges all over the place I would go so far that in some instances abortion should be retroactive.

Think what you will. I'll do the same.

Tags: sex, people, beginnings, endings
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October 14, 2024
National Native American Day 2024
Happy Raine    
I have interacted with very few native Americans in my lifetime. Among those few times I recall being told that native American was preferred over "indians" and that females of the species are not referred to as "squaws" because that was a name the white men of the movie industry imparted and it was considered derrogatory.

I used to watch a program on ETV in Charleston called 'Happy Raine' where a local woman portrayed an native American. It was a regional favorite and hers was a child oriented show with a lot of laughter and various antics and informational spots. It was just something which was always there for me ... and I indulged the program frequently.

National Native American Day. It is celebrated on the second Monday of October and is said to honor the traditions and accomplishments of various native American tribes. I understand it is not observed in all 50 states and in some states it is observed on a different day.

People have this false notion that the native Americans should not be allowed to conduct enterprises not permitted to everyone in a given area, such as casino gambling. My personal belief is this is the least we can do for a group of people so badly walked upon by invaders to their lands.

Somehow the white person thinks that they own any land they encounter in their travels. Instead of staking this interlopers out and teaching them the lesson they deserved, the native Americans relented and went to those reservations the white man ordered them to and even that wasn't good enough all the time.

I agree with the native Americans that their people have suffered genocide at the hands of the United States government who went around 'acquiring' their lands for it's use.

1990 is said to be a year of reconciliation between native Americans and caucasian people resulting in Columbus Day becoming Native American Day but in the end will this ever be enough. You think I have an attitude.

There are native Americans around with far worse feelings of being down trodden than I.

Happy Native American Day.

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October 13, 2024
Navy Birthday 2024
I enlisted in the Navy in my 24th year. It was pretty much an attempt to right my failing course of action and redirect my life toward something practical and forward looking. I did 14 weeks in boot camp due to my inability to run. The cause and effect relationship here was morbid obesity and smoking. I had lost 168 pounds to make the weight requirement for enlistment. I had stopped smoking when I disembarked the airplane at Orlando ...

Then it was on to boot camp.

Suffice it to say my efforts at rehabilitating myself were way too little, too late on both the weight and smoking accounts. They took us out to the pool and 4 am and threw us in. I passed the swimming test fine and dandy. Then we came to the running test and I simply didn't have what it took. I remember my peripheral vision going dark and feeling as though I had left the body. This caused me to stop running whereby I failed and entered a process called "recycle" whereby the seal slavemasters took me out every day and ran me. Eventually I passed only to fail the next test. I didn't seem able to catch up on the physical requirements but I did lose a person from my frame during the interim.

After boot camp I went to Basic Electricity and Electronics doing courses at Orlando and Great Lakes Illinois. Then there was Fire Control Technician Class A School phases I and II. After that I went to the AN/SPG55-B track transmitter training and finally made it to the fleet.

USS MacDonough DDG-39

I served aboard the USS MacDonough along with a great many persons with whom I went to boot camp. This was after they told us during boot camp we would likely never see each other again after departing there. They were all there on my ship as well when they finished their training.

Aboard the 'Mighty Mac' I attempted to be "squared away". I didn't want any reports getting back to my daddy, Master Chief Williamson regarding any misbehavior so I pretty much towed the line without incident and was known as a "4-0" sailor by those in charge. It was there I met Chief Wayne J Mead, one of the finest human beings I'd ever met. He always wished me a happy birthday whenever the Navy's birthday came up aboard ship.

October 13 is the Navy's birthday. Time to recognize the active duty heroes serving the country in the capacity of sailors.

I would not have liked the Navy much had it not been for Wayne Mead and those others who tolerated and indulged my rude ass so well during my time aboard ship. It has left me sorry that I didn't endeavor to be the best sailor I could be while on active duty. I have since attempt penance and I support Navy causes vigorously for this reason.

Happy birthday United States Navy.

Happy Birthday Navy

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October 12, 2024
National Motorcycle Ride Day 2024
Motorcycles are a widely utilized mode of transportation here in the United States. Sometimes these personal conveyances are better left at home in favor of something more appropriate for where you are and what time of day in which you are traveling.

I once had a good friend named Emmett who went on an excursion which left him in traffic at 10:00 pm in a bad area for traveling on a motorcycle.

The state of South Carolina has seen fit to terminate the driver's education program, so now we have idiots driving around without a shred of training and no insight or intellect on top of every thing else. All the highway patrol can do is check to see if you're wearing a seat belt.

Duh! Everybody seems to think they have the right of way anymore.

Emmett Tolbert on his Harley Davidson

Emmett impacted a white van which pulled out in front of him at the intersection of Broad River at Beatty Road and was killed. His wife was riding behind him and he diminished her impact somewhat but still she suffered serious injury necessitating a protracted stay in intensive care and pretty much lost her husband and that lifestyle she enjoyed very much.

The sad tale is left dangling by the fact that there was no funeral nor formal obit for Emmett so this marks the end of his story from my perspective.

Today is National Motorcycle Ride Day.

It is observed the second Saturday in October.

I don't have much to say regarding this holiday except be careful. There are two children who lost their father and a wife who lost her husband because he chose to ride in a bad area at a bad time of day on a motorcycle. The people on the road really don't care if you have the green light or not. Emmett had the green light and look at what he received.


07/30/16 5:20 PM


Richland County Coroner Gary Watts is releasing the name of the individual who was killed last night after being involved in a two-vehicle collision at 10:25 p.m. The incident occurred on Broad River Road at Beatty Road, Columbia, SC.

Emmett Eugene Tolbert, date of birth 10/13/1972, of Leatherwood Drive, Lugoff, SC, died at the scene when the motorcycle he was driving collided with another vehicle. An autopsy conducted this morning indicated the cause of death was due to blunt force trauma to the head. Mr Tolbert was not wearing a helmet at the time of the collision.
The SC Highway Patrol is investigating the incident

Rest in peace.

See Also:

National Bacon Day 2023
Cruel Fate

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October 11, 2024
The Incomparable Angela Lansbury
    Dame Angela Lansbury
Dame Angela Brigid Lansbury DBE was born October 16, 1925 in London, England to Irish actress Moyna Macgill and English politician Edgar Lansbury.

She passed October 11, 2022 in Los Angeles, California at age 96.

She was a British and American actress and singer whose career spanned some 80 years and incorporated various roles across film, stage, and television. She was a citizen of United Kingdom, United States since 1951, and Ireland since 1970.

She became internationally famous as the sleuth Jessica Fletcher in the American whodunit series Murder, She Wrote. It ran for twelve seasons until 1996, becoming one of the longest running and most popular detective drama series in television history. A longstanding favorite of my Mom I might add.

• She earned six Tony Awards
  (including a Lifetime Achievement Award),
• six Golden Globe Awards,
• a Laurence Olivier Award, and
• the Academy Honorary Award, as well as
• nominations for three Academy Awards,
• eighteen Primetime Emmy Awards, and a
• Grammy Award

She was quite a talent in her day and her characters live on in syndication and remain a part of my mother's life on
streaming television.

Rest in peace.

Murder, She Wrote

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October 10, 2024
Yes, my satire is harsh
    hate email
Harsh stupid times like the candidacy of idiot Kamala Harris and the moron Tim Walz call for just such harsh handling of ideas and consequences.

I for one will not tolerate these imbeciles in the manner their stupid supporters propose.

They are both without merit and liars regarding their records and deeds.

Kamala Harris proposes she can handle issues she hasn't been able to take care of in her present administration.

Tim Walz is to busy lying about everything and everyone to be concerned with reality at all.

So yeah, send me your hate email. I'm ready show you just who is made of what.

The left is the party of child abuse, illegal immigration, insecure borders, undeserved entitlements, and stupid entertainers like Robert crybaby asshole De Niro who think they know things they don't.

I don't need them nor will they silence me.

Tags: people, politics, satire
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October 10, 2024
Inclusion Day 2024
firing squad wall

Today is Inclusion Day.

It is an October 10 observance designed to ensure that individuals of various abilities, backgrounds, ages, races, religions, genders, and other characteristics are accepted, welcomed, and treated fairly.

World Inclusion Day will honor the togetherness of diverse individuals, all of whom feel appreciated and included.

The sense of belonging will be celebrated on World Inclusion Day.

People may feel appreciated, valued, and honored for who they are when they are included.

If you are liberal, WEF, transsexual, communist, socialist, or simply a dumbass social justice warrior who doesn't know their anus from a hole in the ground ...

Inclusion allows us to build a society that will ultimately be more compassionate, welcoming, respectful, and united once we get rid of the riff raff.

Small acts of kindness and inclusion may significantly influence the world and the people we interact with.

Globalization is the end of nations. Other countries wish to take control and rule you like the insect they feel you are. So as you come into the country, please step up to the wall and be included.

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October 9, 2024
World Post Day 2024
Gibraltar extra-large mailboxes at street    
I try to maintain a good relationship with the post office, carriers, and desk clerks working for the United States Postal Service. I don't always succeed — but at least I make the effort consistently and conscientiously in an effort that my mail doesn't get gone all of a sudden ...

Today is World Post Day.

It happens each October 9 corresponding to the establishment of the establishment of the Universal Postal Union in 1874.

Sometimes when I'm thinking they are all a bunch of slackers I try to remember just how difficult and fickle public service can be.

    roll of forever postage stamps
How quickly we forget.

I keep three or four rolls of 'forever' stamps laying around. I like to buy them before the price goes up again. It seems they like to raise the price every few months anymore.

So bear in mind that the mail goes through by and large unless you get your mail from the Northeast Post Office at 8505 Two Notch Rd in Columbia SC 29223-9998. This is postively the biggest bunch of shirkers and slackers in the US Postal system.

Happy World Post Day to you.

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October 8, 2024
International Lesbian Day 2024
Lesbo cuffs    

Yeah. People are bound to think me intolerant over my personal opinions regarding gayness in the populace. However, those known to me realize that I am much more tolerant that I might sound otherwise when I go off on yet another rant ...

It another thrilling International Lesbian Day, a time to celebrate those carpet munching female on female perverts who can't have children themselves so they involve others outside their family to become involved.

This abomination is held on October 8 in the name of lesbians and all the sick evil with which they pollute the world.

The likes of the evil libtard Rosie O'Donnell, who adopted normal children and converted them to transgender sick birds over which she fawns and says just how proud she is of the little pervert she created then raised. Nonbinary that unnatural bitch.

Sorry. I still think lesbians are an abomination and I have my own solutions for these miscreants who feel they belong in mainstream society when they don't. I do not feel the need to apologize for the fact that I believe coupling should be heterosexual, with no male and male or female and female pairs.

It's simply not natural. You cannot procreate in a same sex pair yet the idiot government wants you to be able to adopt normal children so you can turn them to your abnormal lifestyle. We are not penguins.

It all stems from my religious upbringing. Despite what others may say or exhibit I believe in a higher power and it is not Satan as the homosexuals portray.

If you are gay and known to me I will not persecute you because it is not my nature. Confrontational episodes are really not my cup of tea. Aside from this, die lesbians die.

See Also:

Same Sex Pairing in Nature

Tags: people, sex
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