
It was a hot and stormy night ...

I spent the morning working on Mom's yard so it was in some semblence of tidiness prior to her trip to see my sister in the country.

It's a trip I'll likely not make again because I simply can't stand to see my sister's further deterioration at the hands of her own lifestyle diseases in conjunction with this "cadillac" insurance my brother in law always brags about yet my sister's guts are hanging to her knees because she can't get the abdominal repair needed for her diastasis recti due to his crappy "teamsters union" insurance he thinks is SO great.

female diastasis recti

Add to this her idiot penchant for smoking while on insulin and voila ... I don't expect to have her around much longer.

So in that tragedy which is the fact that you can't save a person from themself I simply must submit to the inevitable eventuality evolving much more quickly than it would in the presence of good health habits and competent health care of which she has neither. Add to this crappy health insurance and what chance does any person really have?

Excuse me while I decline to watch you kill yourself anymore, please. Having no one in your corner with good judgement or willingness to act limits your options to the point that I really don't think you have much of a chance remaining.