
Coldfusion Adventures at an End

Coldfusion 64 bit Enterprise Server
So the issues associated with CF 2016 at work involve changes made back in the CF version 9 to 10 era ...

and we skipped from version 9 to the 2016 release bypassing all that interceding learning curve as well.

It was all very simple but hard to find and grossly undocumented the entire while.

Today we pretty much put together the event oriented component required to make the new stuff work and although we're not a hundred percent there on the error trapping and fine points we know enough to make the stuff work again with minimal huhbub.

The humor of it all is how nothing at all worked then making a simple change turned the situation into one where there appeared never to be a problem.

The more you think you know the more you find out there are holes in your understanding.

The new install has broken a number of legacy apps which will require attention but the error logs are making those problem children known to us quite nicely.

Suffice it to say that I have a nice book with details on the way, God is in His Heaven, and all is again right with the world.