
Bitcoin Thoughts

I was pondering my recent decision to abandon my intent to operate a full node on my network. This was the result of disturbing news on the chinese front whereby massive farms for the purpose of mining coin have been placed online.

I decided that the entire notion of bitcoin as a viable mainstream currency was flawed with that fallacy being the inevitable abuse in the underlying methodology.

The wallets remain too insecure. The notion of volatility is overwhelming. Couple this with the abrupt and massive failures of companies involved solely in the bitcoin realm becoming insolvent and the largest group of cyber criminals devoting massive farms toward the end of bitcoin wealth ...

The underlying consequences in the absence of the distinct lack of morality within the bitcoin culture lends credence to abandoning those full node operational parameters as well.

Even in the best case scenario operations can be taxing and my bandwidth and farm are pretty busy as they exist in the absence of a full node machine in their midst.

Seeing how I'd just as soon not become involved with such a shady bunch of people wanting anonymous transactions for bypassing those checks and balances required by the financial sector.

So much for my thoughts of operating a full node bitcoin server. Despite my initial optimism toward the project — bitcoin will not be a part of my future after all.

chinese bitcoin farm